Wolfmother - Woman

Wolfmother - Woman

Wolfmother on the Letterman show
RT @FactsOfSchool: *Future generation* Woman: "I'll name my baby Sarah." Doctor: "I'm sorry, but that name is already taken. You can try Sarah479 or Sarah771."

A Brazilian woman came into the Co-Op earlier and stood looking at the eggs. She then let out a really long and loud fart. #gross

@potatospaghetti @ElenaaaMonroe @juliekaytor @JuliaFerraro7 Vagisil is a wonderful tool for an aging woman. asians

@iwonderstand And that's why it's dumb for a woman to have sex too soon in a relationship.

RT @DrLenBoogie: Dear women,We love when you share your feelings, it doesn't make you any less of a woman, it just makes you more adorable.

@OlanMcGowan @barbarascully Hey! The young woman in that Lotto ad is a friend of mine!

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