FreeRTOS on NXP LPC1769 MCU: Getting Started

FreeRTOS on NXP LPC1769 MCU: Getting Started

Learn how to use FreeRTOS, a real-time multitasking environment. In this video, the FreeRTOS kernel is used with the free LPCXpresso environment, on the LPC1769 microcontroller. Examples include basic LED flashing, as well as more comprehensive demo with networking, a file system, and command line input.
@mjoncharlie depende kung san mag pass :) pero pag walang wala na mcu nalang din. Haha

@ostwinner But… Roy has the domino mask! :P And alll the attitude that they forgot to give MCU!Hawkeye

[MOVIL-CLARA CHAUVÍN] Gastón Mercanzini, #Cultura #MCU. Juegos culturales #Evita, instancia regional en Herrera.

Omg I got Another interview for MCU on Friday for the same hospital!!!!

ケツメイシのバラードとMCUのいいわけ聞いたらなんかやる気出たからハードウェア受けます。 なんかあの二曲はほっこりする。

@Jenni_pon That's what I love about the MCU. Always something to look forward to :-) Plus AVENGERS 2!

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