Lecture - 21 PERL - Part I

Lecture - 21 PERL - Part I

Lecture Series on Internet Tecnologies by Prof. I. Sengupta, Department of Computer Science Engineering, IIT Kharagpur. For more details on NPTEL visit nptel.iitm.ac.in
“@JJ_Perl: So why doesn't the opening ceremony start at 20:12...? @perfect_siobhan” instead of boring 9pm!

Rrrrrkkkh (¬_¬) RT @Haidiizhafari: Buset vin serem amat itu dia RT @gevinarifin: awkawokaw ampoon baaang RT @merina_inaa Ambil,pake klo perl

@MancProof I didn't spend long with Perl. Python annoyed me, though it was within MoinMoin wiki which is an abomination. Fixed indents wtf?!

mod_perl MODチップ MOLAP MOS MOSS MOT Motion-JPEG mova Movable Type MOV形式 Mozilla Mozilla Foundation MOドライブ MP MP3 MP3プレーヤー MP4

No soy un poeta perl me conformo decirte cosas hermosas recien sañidas de este corazon

RT @egorFiNE: На perlorg появился пост о том, почему в 2012 нужно программировать на перле. Главный аргумент - держись - “только perl и java умеют UTF-8”.

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