Fedora 17 KDE Review - Linux Distro Reviews

Fedora 17 KDE Review - Linux Distro Reviews

==Do you want to see free and open-source software on Mac?== If so, I've set up a donation box on my channel page for a Mac mini (bit.ly If 700 subscribers donate $1, I'll be able to look at apps for the Mac as well! Thanks for your support. Overall, this respin of Fedora 17 provides the same great stable base as the Gnome version, but with a very nicely unified KDE 4.8.3 Software Compilation. Complete with all of the great KDE apps, the Calligra Suite also makes a stable debut. Faster login time as well as easier - but somewhat old school - package management, Fedora 17 KDE is looking like a very worth while release. Thanks for the feedback everybody! Links: Fedora 17 KDE download: spins.fedoraproject.org My Google+: plus.google.com My Blog: infinitelygalactic.blogspot.com My twitter twitter.com
todos recomiendan que si quieres pasar de Windows a Linux uses Ubuntu, pero a mi me gusto mas Fedora, aunque igual no se ni madres u_u

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