PS2 Underrated Gem: Ico

PS2 Underrated Gem: Ico

This is a series of gameplay vids I'm doing highlighting overlooked games for the PS2. OK, here it is the most overrated underrated gem of all time. I'm not saying it's a bad game. in fact its a damn great game, but I am saying that it's kinda iffy to put on as a lesser known game after every gaming magazine and website under the sun has given this their top spot for most underrated game of all time. Ico is an awesome game, and should be experienced by everyone, but as far as it being lesser know, or overlooked, I don't think it falls into that category anymore. When it first hit it was definitely overlooked, but now that people have been tooting their horns for years about this game, I think that most gamers have heard of this game. Ico is a great game, a short one, but great nonetheless, and I don't want people to think I'm criticizing the game for not being as good as it's said to be, because it is an awesome game. I'm just saying that it's not exactly unknown by any stretch of the imagination. Ico is only available on the PS2. Also look into Shadow of the Colossus it's semi-sequel. Shadow sold well enough to be a greatest hit, so I won't be putting it on my underrated gems list, but it's also a great game.
RT @msolveig: ico b g


RT @msolveig: ico b g

Tapi yg putihnya... -__- RT @brawijayautis: Wangian yg milan lut. RT @LutfiAufar: Atlet-Ico Uwais!


RT @msolveig: ico b g

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Van Halen
