The Meters - Cissy Strut

The Meters - Cissy Strut

new orleans jazz & heritage festival 1993
The ramp itself was ten meters across, and Fuller split his forces on either side.

The defenders would be at least a few meters inside, which meant they would have a relatively narrow line of sight.

Every time @JoeManganiello growls my libido increased to two meters above the sky ..not to mention your laugh... #InTheBeginning

@nosweetnothings Technically no. The court said I wasn't allowed to call myself that. Or allowed within 300 meters of public rest rooms.

@jeffbigham the login and password are also in large font on the right of the registration. but one cannot see unless steps behind 5 meters

The kinetic explosive device was about ten meters high, less than half that wide.

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ナルニア国物語 ライオンと魔女
