The Texas Chainsaw Massacre - Original Trailer 1974
Nothing beats the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre...cult frenzy horror that just can't be remade today. But, stay tuned for Leatherface 3D!
夜塾河口洋一郎/ 浦沢直樹後編「TOKYO AWARD #12」
脳科学者の茂木健一郎さんとタレントのSHELLYさん、アーティストの日比野克彦さんをMCに迎え、トップデザイナーやアーティストによる対談コンテンツ「夜塾」や、各媒体の編集長が今気になるテーマを紹介するコンテンツ「Design & Art Opinion」を放送。
Racer X- Technical Difficulties
This is the song "Technical Difficulties" of the band Racer X! Enjoy!!!
Donkey Kong Country 2 102% F - Jump Up Jump Up and Get Down
Holy toledo. We got Krockhead Klamber, Rattle Battle and Slimb Climb in this set. Lots of things seem to happen. Krockhead Clamber Very similar to Barrel Bayou, but with a lot of krockheads.That buzzing at the start was kinda odd, and if the player was keen to turn left, it would reveal the DK Coin. Funny cause it goes away if you press right. A Double Bonus Stage completion and a skill shot! Beanstalks are not to be underestimated. BSt1(a): Take out four bees... CAKEwalk. BSt1(b): Leave some for Dixie too! Rattle Battle Cranky's Tips are great reference material. Especially if you might know something but just can't quite remember or susect it. This seems to be the only level in the game (full level) that uses Ship Deck 2 music. It's upbeat and probably matches the fact that we spend most of the stage jumping as Rattly. It's actuallt easy to get hurt in this stage. The DK Coin is out of plain sight. It's almost a pitfall if you miss. BSt1: Jump to the top. Shortcuts are far and few when you don't have a buddy... BSt2: Find the Coin by crossing a bridge of Zingers. Fun BSt3: Collecting stars above a barrel set. Most people don't know that Rattly has a "Rolling Jump" as well. (or more like Rolling Hop) Slimb Climb Here's an impressive stage. Snapjaw (unlike it's brethren, Lockjaw) is hungry for monkey. He will lock onto and snap his HUGE jaw at you if you go into the water. His function is to align very closely to your position on the Y-Axis. Taking my fair share of risks ...
【アメトーーク】コカ・コーラ スペシャルCM♯3 ヒザ神×キック編
運動神経悪い芸人の「ヒザ神」ことフルーツポンチ村上がコカ・コーラ ロンドンチャレンジで開催される人気アトラクション「キックチャレンジ」に挑戦!アメトーーク.とコカ・コーラのスペシャルCMは毎週木曜よる11時15分~「アメトーーク」放送直後に大好評放送中!