風雲スーパータッグバトル MVS FTC1B 4P OK!
風雲スーパータッグバトル 4人でタッグプレイOK! Fuun Super Tag Battle / Kizuna Encounter FTC1B daughterboard, for 4Players VS cabinets. This setup was deployed by SNK only in few location test in Osaka during 1996 and never released in Japanese arcades! First video *ever* made, showing 4 players controls in action, unleashing the full game code! more on www.neogeoland.jp -Massimiliano thanks to NeoTurfMasta for MV1B socket bios mod and Razoola (UNIBIOS)
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"Fire and Water" by Nutnfancy ('Summer Snow' Actual Pt 4)
Nutnfancy wilderness outing vids are pretty much like a reality TV show at this point. As "Summer Snow Episode 4" picks up, you come along for our firemaking exercise as it continues at high elevation. My philosophy on it has been covered in other TNP vids but here I have to instruct my son in it. It's a skill that must be practiced and fully understood. In good weather, dry conditions, and low wind, firemaking is easy. But we practice worse case here, getting to dry wood and its sharp edges by cutting down and batoning some dead wood. Tools are the excellent Sawvivor backpack saw and Ontario Spec-Plus Gen II SP-46 (reviewed separately). We practice safe cutting too;: a bad cut up here could mean bad things. A gratifying fire results (note all unburned wood was extinguished, dispersed, hidden afterwards to prevent eyesore). No fire ring was needed or made for this temporary practice blaze. We get distracted by Allie's antics in the mountain ponds as she gets to practice some "duck" retrieves. Then water adventure ensues with Last Suspect and "dogness" going out in the awesome Sevylor Trailboat. Danger lurks in the 40ºF water and we take appropriate cautions (discussed in vid). The funnest and safest rafting takes place on the ponds where the wind is diminished. Great memories. Dinner time rolls around as video length time runs out. . This was Day Two of our Summer Snow adventure. Thanks for coming along. /////////////// Music: "Hidden Blues" by Pitx used under license
ザ・シムズ3 ペット:トレーラー
ムービー内の発売日が10月20日になっておりますが、11月17日に変更になっております。どうぞよろしくお願い致します。 11/17発売『ザ・シムズ3 ペット』 オリジナルペットコンテスト開催中。優秀作品にはJCBギフトカード1万円分を進呈。詳細はこちら。 www.facebook.com
映画『エンジェル ウォーズ』 コメント映像
映画『エンジェル ウォーズ』 4月15日全国ロードショー-『300』『ウォッチメン』監督最新作- 5人の少女たちが、人類の未知の領域〈空想世界〉で戦う、バトルアクション超大作! 監督: ザック・スナイダー出演: エミリー・ブラウニング、オスカー・アイザック、ヴァネッサ・ハジェンズ、ジョン・ハム 他