Author, Journalist, Stand-Up Comedian: Paul Krassner Interview - Political Comedy
Paul Krassner (born April 9, 1932) is an author, journalist, stand-up comedian, and the founder, editor and a frequent contributor to the freethought magazine The Realist, first published in 1958. Krassner became a key figure in the counterculture of the 1960s as a member of Ken Kesey's Merry Pranksters and a founding member of the Yippies. The Realist was published on a fairly regular schedule during the 1960s, then on an irregular schedule after the early 1970s. In 1966, Krassner published The Realist's controversial "Disneyland Memorial Orgy" poster, illustrated by Wally Wood, and he recently made this famed black-and-white poster available in a digital color version. The Realist also distributed a red, white and blue Cold War bumper sticker that read "Fuck Communism." Krassner's most notorious satire was the article "The Parts That Were Left Out of the Kennedy Book", which followed the censorship of William Manchester's book on the Kennedy assassination, The Death of a President. At the climax of the grotesque-genre short-story, Lyndon B. Johnson is described as having sexually penetrated the bullet-hole wound in the throat of John F. Kennedy's corpse. According to Elliot Feldman, "Some members of the mainstream press and other Washington political wonks, including Daniel Ellsberg of Pentagon Papers fame, actually believed this incident to be true." In a 1995 interview for the magazine Adbusters, Krassner commented: "People across the country believed - if only for a ...
adidas Originals - DMC & Afra: "My adidas"
Recent inductee to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, DMC, teamed up with Japanese beatboxer, Afra to celebrate two-plus decades of fresh flows with an exclusive performance at the House Party. Afra rocked a beat while DMC delivered this once in a lifetime rendition of "My adidas."
あのハリウッドも驚愕した!! ホラー漫画研究家でも知られるゆうた博士が満を持して遂に始動。その名も「ホラーコミック研究室」。今回はホラー初級編!!!! ある意味「ゾッ!」とする演技をご覧あれ。決して一人では観ないように... まあ、1番怖いのはこの動画を最後まで視聴したアンタだよ!! 「関よしみ/関よしみ傑作集 魔少女転生」 「犬木加奈子/怪奇人形館」 「うぐいす祥子/闇夜に遊ぶな子供たち」 (ED)「Berryz工房/ Bye Bye」 どれも簡単に手に入りますので是非!! サンタクルスとは・・・ 毎週日曜日に必ず1本の動画をアップするアイドルユニット。 踊ってみた・コント・旅企画・挑戦ものなど様々な動画をゆる~く制作中!! mixiコミュニティ