Underworld 2 - Evolution (HQ-Trailer-2006)
Selene auf der Flucht: Nachdem die knackige Unterwelt-Amazone in Teil 1 den ältesten Vampir um die Ecke gebracht hat, dürstet jetzt die ganze Sippschaft nach ihrem Blut. Einzige Rettung: Vampirkönig Marcus zum Leben zu erwecken und ihm ihr Schicksal anzuvertrauen. Doch statt sie zu beschützen, greift dieser Selene sofort an. Nur mit Michaels Hilfe gelingt die Flucht. Dabei kommt sie einem dunklen Plan auf die Spur, der die Menschheit für immer vernichten soll.
Sodom - Agent Orange
Live from the Marooned Tour in 1994. 20/04/2009 - 300000 views Lyrics: Operation "Ranch Hand" Spray down the death Down on their farms Assault against the population Suppress by military arms Only you prevent the forest Legalize the war They are deprived of their power Eradication without law Agent Orange Agent Orange Agent Orange A fire that doesn't burn All the marks erased long ago Scars are healed up Cancer creeps into their innocent souls Memorials of flesh and blood Have survived unlawfully punished Poisoned till the end of their lives Physical deformity What medicine will help? Still births will rise Agent Orange Agent Orange Agent Orange A fire that doesn't burn Grieved weak hearts are crying Waiting for the end In this condition they are dying Newborns of the damned Preserved in test tubes for generations Vicious circle of transmission There's no way for reparations Must live with chemical agent called Agent Orange Agent Orange Agent Orange A fire that doesn't burn Agent Orange... burn Agent Orange... burn Agent Orange... burn See also: en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
新自由主義とワシントン・コンセンサス グローバリゼーション (準備中)
Help us caption and translate this video on Amara.org: www.amara.org Neo liberalism Washington consensus-On the Edge With Max Keiser-11-11-2011 TPP資料
福山雅治 魂のラジオ ゲスト:三浦知良〔トーク部分のみ〕2012.12.15
2012.12.15の放送のゲストトーク部分です。 「ニっポン放送 福山雅治の魂のラジオ」 www.allnightnippon.com 魂のラジオへのお便りはmasha@allnightnippon.com 福山雅治 オフィシャルサイトwww.fukuyamamasaharu.com
Let's Play Chocobo's Dungeon 2 - Part 1: Mysterious Dungeon
In this game by square, we take the role of a yellow bird and his white companion as they explore dungeons in search for treasure.
ブル-ライトヨコハマ 19690401 いしだあゆみ
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