Should I Buy A Subaru BRZ or a BMW E46? - ROAD TESTAMENT
This week, we introduce a new segment: #BRZorThat, in which we discuss used-car alternatives -- submitted by you -- to the Subaru BRZ/Scion FR-S, the second coming of the inexpensive, light-weight, rear-drive sports car. Try one of these, or buy the BRZ. Your choice.
[The History] 親日家 世界の偉人・著名人が日本人を絶賛
日本は凄い。日本人は偉大な民族だ。世界の偉人、著名人達が書物に書いた絶賛の名言集。 自虐的になったり、自信を無くしそうになった時に是非見て下さい。 日本人に生まれた事を誇りに思い、自信と希望が沸いて来ます。 特にアインシュタインは日本を大絶賛しています。是非見て下さい。 BGM: 大神 太陽は昇る。 この曲良いですね。この動画にマッチしています。作者さん有難うございます。 戦後65年間 メディア・教育に騙され続けた日本人・・そろそろ目覚めませんか? インターネットの発展で、私たちはマスコミや学校では教えてくれなかった色々なことがわかるようになりました。 調べてみると、日本はとても素晴らしい、誇らしい国でした。 そしてその日本を壊そうとしている人がいる。 国民が知らない反日の実態 本当のこと知っていますか? ミコ☆スマ
Amy Winehouse - Rehab
Amy Winehouse At The BBC - Out Now Buy It Now Also available on Amazon The estate of Amy Winehouse is donating the record royalties it receives from the sale of this box set to the Amy Winehouse Foundation. Music video by Amy Winehouse performing Rehab. YouTube view counts pre-VEVO: 3993824. (C) 2006 Universal Island Records Ltd. A Universal Music Company.
Easy 30 Day Hydroponic Lettuce
I started this hydroponic rail system about 30 days ago, having absolutely zero experience in hydroponic growing. Thru a few basic steps, I was able to grow some perfect hydroponic lettuce. If I could grow lettuce that looks and tastes this good, then you can do it too. It really is that easy. Note: Some people suggest changing the reservoir every 2 weeks or so. In this situation I did not. However, I would not recommend going beyond the time needed to complete the growth of the lettuce. Before starting a new crop, the reservoir SHOULD be emptied, cleaned, and refilled with fresh nutrients and water. The variety of lettuce is Adriana. It is a heat tolerant butterhead lettuce that I purchased from Johnny's Seeds. The nutrient mix is a combination of a water soluble 4-18-38, calcium nitrate, and Epsom salt that I mixed at a 2-2-1 ratio, with approximately 8 grams of 4-18-38, 8 grams of calcium nitrate, and 4 grams of Epsom salt per 5 gallons of water. Pour it in, turn it on, and let 'er rip !