2012年夏全国公開1990年に公開されたアーノルド・シュワルツェネッガー主演『トータル・リコール』が2012年、『アンダーワールド』シリーズのレン・ワイズマン監督のメガホンのよりバージョンアップして帰ってくる! コリン・ファレルが主人公ダグラス・クエイドを熱演!
『おいらはケネルキャット サスケ』(佼成出版社)
【ご購入はこちらへ】amazon.jp 【佼成出版社 こどもの本】www.kosei-shuppan.co.jp 『おいらはケネルキャット サスケ』(中村文人・作 むかいながまさ・絵)の内容紹介動画です。 本書は、白ネコ・サスケが、盲導犬訓練センターで過ごした実話をもとに書かれた創作童話です。この盲導犬訓練センターには、書籍や映画で多くの人に感動を与えた「盲導犬クイール」もいて、サスケとクイールは大の仲良しでした。 クイールやその他の多くの盲導犬訓練犬たちとサスケの友情を描いた、楽しくて、笑えて、そして泣けるお話を、ぜひお子様といっしょにお楽しみください
Occupy Sandy: Occupy Wall Street Amasses Volunteers for Hurricane Recovery
With the resources and the local know-how, Occupy Wall Street activists have been amassing volunteers and helping out those in Lower Manhattan, Staten Island, Red Hood Brooklyn, the Rockaways in Queens and more who were most effected by Hurricane Sandy... (Note: Sam was in his remote "undisclosed bunker location" for today's show, hence the location in which today's video was shot!) This clip from the Majority Report, live MF at 12 noon EST and via daily podcast at Majority.FM
Will Smith - Men In Black[Official Music Video]
Here come the Men in Black (Uh it's the MIB's) (Uh here come the MIB's) Here come the Men in Black (Men in Black) They won't let you remember Nah, nah, nah, The good guys dress in black, remember that, Just in case we ever face to face and make contact. The title held by me... MIB Means what you think you saw, you did not see. So don't blink, Think what was there but now's gone. Black suit with the black Ray Ban's on. Walk in shadow, move in silence, Guard against extra-terrestrial violence. But yo we ain't on no government list. We straight don't exist, No names and no fingerprints. Saw something strange, Watch your back. Cause you never quite know where the MIB's is at, Uh and... Here come the Men in Black. (Men in Black) The galaxy defenders. (uh oh, uh oh) Here come the Men in Black. (Men in Black) They won't let you remember. (won't remember) (uh uh, uh uh) Now from the deepest of the darkest of night, On the horizon, bright light in the site tight, Cameras zoom, only impending doom. But then like BOOM black suits fill the room up. With the quickness talk with the witnesses, Hypnotizer, neuralizer. Vivid memories turn to fantasies. Ain't no MIB's. Can I please, Do what we say that's the way we kick it. Ya know what I mean, I say my noisy cricket get wicked on ya. We're your first, last and only line of defence, Against the worst scum of the universe. So don't fear us, cheer us. If you ever get near us, don't jeer us. We're the fearless. MIB's freezin' up all the ...
KoF 94 : 4Koma Compilation [Part 2] [End]
The last video. Part 1 : www.youtube.com Title : KOF94 ・ 4コマまんが集② (新声社).mp4 Source : www.nicovideo.jp Description : 是空とおる、REY's、牧部かたる、イトウタダシ、道満春明、寺蔵、原田将太郎、戸川花丸、・・・順次うpしていきますv 需要あるかなぁ??