レイルウェイ・ララバイ ~一枚のキップから~ 小林啓子
1977年 旧国鉄のCMキャンペーンソングとして流れた小林啓子さんのヒット曲です。(注:追記有り ↓) 後の山口百恵さんによる「いい日旅立ち」 に続く、旅情を誘う名曲だと思います。 12.11.06 追記 : chinrows さんから情報を頂きました、CMで歌われておられたのはRAJIEさんという方だそうで歌詞メロディ共に元歌とは微妙に違っていたそうです。訂正させて頂きます。 12.10.27 追記 : 当時CMで歌われていたのは小林さんではないのではないかという情報を頂きました、てっきり本人さんの歌唱だと思っていたのですが・・ どなたか正確な情報をお持ちの方教えて頂けると嬉しいです。
Someone like you
the song is pitched for obvious reasons XD first video in MONTHS!! i know! but i'm not dead... yet XD college is killing me :S anyway, made this vid for an audition so it's finished, won't make the full song n_n'' about the manga, i've benn following it for a while know and i really like it even if it's far from being my fav, also i lover the art XD is close to be what i would say is my fav XD also love the couple *o* Manga: Hapi Mari Song: Someone like you - A dele
Never Ending Story - Limahl (with lyrics)
The astoundingly great song "Never ending story" with Limahl (with lyrics) Um... apparently, I seem to have made a massive mistranslation. :s The ear can sure play tricks on you. I hope you can at least enjoy the song. :) EDIT: Seeings as YouTube lacks a brain and common sense: NO, I DO NOT OWN THIS SONG AND I NEVER CLAIMED TO EITHER! Like 99.99% of the stuff being uploaded on this site, I do not claim copyright. Geez, make your silly policy the other way around, that true copyright holders must make notes. Not us regular people. Thank you! EDIT 2: Over 1,2 million views?! :o I would never imagine one of my videos to reach such a staggering high amount of views, but I guess it shouldn't come as a surprise considering the greatness of this song and the movie it represents. :) Glad to know the people are keeping the never-ending story going. :)