Dunhuang: Mogao Cave 254 (敦煌: 莫高窟254)
The ancient man-made Mogao Caves along China's silk road contain over 1000 years' worth of invaluable buddhist painting and sculpture.

Edison Chen: Bowery Stadium MFG Custom Destroyer
Actor, musician, producer, and fashion designer, Edison Chen recently came to the Big Apple and naturally we welcomed him with open arms. Edison has been on a hiatus but his influence hasn't gone anywhere. As founder of clothing company CLOT Inc., and multimedia company, Clot Media Division, Edison has been one of the cultural leaders in China since near the beginning of the millenium. As he's coming off his hiatus, look out for big moves from this Renaissance Man.

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Switchfoot - You [A Walk To Remember]
Hey this is a song by Switchfoot from the movie A WALK TO REMEMBER..my favourite in the movie!!So howz it?? [This is for my Drew!!]