A fiendish, clumsy alien crash lands on an exotic moon. Stranded, he is forced to adapt to the surroundings and must learn to respect the creatures that inhabit this world. Visit www.dox-online.com for more details Emulate Studios (C) 2007

詳しい内容はこちらから(山と溪谷社HP)↓ www.yamakei.co.jp 伝説のクラシックルート、初の完全映像ガイド。 日本のクラシックルートの中でもっとも有名、かつ華のある槍ヶ岳・北鎌尾根。 この北鎌尾根を舞台に登山史上の数々のドラマが演じられてきました。槍の穂先から一直線に延びた鋭い岩稜は、昔も今も変わることなく人々を魅了し続けています。しかし、この憧れのコースは体力、経験、岩登りの基本が最低限必要。さらに決まったルートがあるわけではないので、ルートファインディングの能力も必要になってきます。 このコースを実際に歩き紹介するのが、日本を代表する若手女性登山家の谷口けいと大久保由美子。コースのポイント、難所、魅力を詳細に紹介します。また全コースを空撮で紹介しています。

How to Pk on Runescape (700th Video!)
I JUST POOPED MA PANTS!!!: www.youtube.com Epic Clip Senders: 1st Clip: www.youtube.com 2nd Clip: www.youtube.com Want to submit a clip?: www.youtube.com No1s Perfect: www.youtube.com iKellie: www.youtube.com Twitter: twitter.com Facebook: www.facebook.com Music By: incompetech.com By submitting videos to Chris Archie (myself), you hereby acknowledge that you grant me a perpetual non-exclusive world-wide license (not ownership) to display, promote, or modify your video for commercial use. By submitting videos to Chris Archie (myself), you are confirming that all parties featured in the video have given their permission for the video to be published.

The Coral - Butterfly House
From the album 'Butterfly House' released on 12th July 2010. Lyrics: Inside the Butterfly House The wind blows in From the pier The Punch and Judy stand Before you, then it disappears I dim the lights And tell your fortune We'll be there soon In the Butterfly House Back to the sea A ship comes in To a half moon town Hear the towers fall And watch dreamland Burn to the ground I dim the lights And tell your fortune We'll be there soon In the Butterfly House Long ago When the music played From the steeple To the bay Time went by In the warm summer sky As we walked Free of loneliness and doubt In the Butterfly House