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Nightwish - The Heart Asks Pleasure First (New Song)

Nightwish - The Heart Asks Pleasure First (New Song)

I DO NOT OWN THIS MUSIC!! IT'S FROM NIGHTWISH'S NEW SINGLE "THE CROW, THE OWL AND THE DOVE" PS The song is just incredible :X Enjoy! :) Please buy the CD. The band deserves it! :) Thank you.
when i start smiling stupidly at my phone and my mum asks what im doing on my phone -_- :$ #embarrassing

Ordered a diet coke in Vue with my mate.... Bird asks one straw or two. She clearly thinks we're homo's

Awkward moment when your in the car and your brother asks your mom how babies get in you,ryan please stfu now.

RT @markhoppus: Never reply to any text which asks, "can you talk?"!! It's never good news. Ever. IT'S A TRAP!!

RT @iQuoteComedy: A man asks a trainer in the gym: I want 2 impress that beautiful girl , which machine can I use? Trainer replies: Use the ATM

I wanna work at starbucks, and if a hot guy comes in and asks for a drink, I won't write his name on the cup, but my number.

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