DONOTS - Happiness Festival 2012 (14.07.2012 // Straubenhardt)
"Wake The Dogs"-Tour 2012 auf www.donots.com Tickets bestellen: goo.gl Download bei iTunes: bitly.com

The Turkish Van Cat Documentary- Van Kedisi Belgesel (english)
This is a nice documentary about Van cats. Turkish people always considered Van cat as being a white cat with odd-eyes. This is probably the only one documentary ever made about these cats. However saying that a Van cat is only white (or like foreigner sources regard it as patterned cat) is not based on cat color genetics. White color if not albino, masks other colors. Most of white cats are not albinos like professor in documentary thinks, so that means white cats can have any color in their genes and color (black, patterns, calico etc...) sometimes resulting in their kittens. Documentary makers do not tell us these. It's not clear from where swimming cat myth came from, but as you see it is based only on anecdotal stories. A cat in the video swims so do other cats too if thrown into the water. But do they enjoy it? I doubt. Documentary shows very beautiful cats, some of them are longhair and look pretty much like Angora cats. Enjoy this beautiful documentary but take it's claim with a grain of salt :)

Lady Gaga BTWB at Tokyo (2012/5/12) Scheiße
2012年5月12日さいたまスーパーアリーナLady Gaga Born This Way Ball Tour at Tokyo , Japan