Winston the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Climbs the Fridge
Winston the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel demands treats and when he does, he sometimes climbs the fridge to make it clear what he wants.
June Manga - Blue Sheep Reverie by Makoto Tateno
DMI: AR: Kindle: eManga: Sweet young Kai and the doctor Maria shared a bond that they thought no one could destroy...until Maria's brutal murder tore her from Kai's arms forever. Now, Kai wanders the pitch-black streets of the inner city searching for the man who stole Maria's life. But will he end up a pawn in a gang war that will force him to fight for his very existence? With both a mysterious electronic frequency and a strange, powerful man named Lahti shadowing his every move, Kai must slay his new-found enemies...or fall prey to their desires! Alt. Title: Aoi Hitsuji no Yume Vol. 1 ISBN-13: 9781569706060 ISBN-10: 1569706069 Type: Series Release Date: Dec 16, 2008 Genre: Action, Romance, Sci-fi, Yaoi Music by Taylor Hayward DMI: AR: Kindle: eManga:
LIAR GAME The final Stage
「劇場で見抜けなかったウソをブルーレイ・DVDで見抜け」。原作コミックは累計460万部を突破、2度ドラマ化され高視聴率を獲得。そのオリジナリティあふれるスリリングなゲーム内容、先の読めないストーリー展開で話題となった「ライアーゲーム」。最終章である劇場版も興行収入23億円を超えて大ヒット!!熱狂的なファンも多い劇場版「LIAR GAME」がファン待望のブルーレイ・DVD化!プレミアム・エディションは本編ブルーレイ、本編DVD、特典映像DVD×2枚入りの4枚組! 特典映像は今回のパッケージ化で初収録となるコンテンツを含む200分超えの充実の内容!今回は鈴木一真扮する人気キャラクター「ヨコヤ」が登場!
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