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Jon Bon Jovi - Santa Fe

Jon Bon Jovi - Santa Fe

The original fan made music video continaining Bon Jovi's song Santa Fe and clips from Young Guns. I know this video is getting reposted on youtube, but this is the original, and yes, it was created by me. Personally I don't mind if people put my videos up elsewhere but it irritates me when authorship is removed and my videos are altered to make it appear that the person reposting them, is the author of the video.
RT @LoolaFarias: ALTO PALERMO * Av. Santa Fe y Cnel. Diaz. ------- Uh Joya.

@rbhear Te pasamos los datos del service autorizado de Philco en Santa Fe: Litoral Service S.R.L. - 9 de Julio 2785 - 0342-4533563. Saludos

@German1117 Santa Fe preguntó por él. Ojalá no venga

@SangreCardenal Cuando juega santa fe contra boca

RT @mgabrieladfc: Una noche muy interesante en Santa Fe, Argentina! Cc @facukuper @Mandoreyes80 @rafaeldlf @SharleneTaule @_solrodriguez nite nite chicos!!

RT @mgabrieladfc: HOY en Santa Fe, Argentina! #GrachiElConciertoEnVivo en ATE casa españa a las 3:30pm!!

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