星野リゾート ニラカナイ西表島
世界でも類を見ない、独特の生態系を維持している西表島。屋久島以上の秘境と称される西表島のリゾートホテルが「ニラカナイ西表島(沖縄県)」です。亜熱帯の原生林に覆われ、生命力溢れるマングローブを縫って行くジャングルクルーズや、美しい奥西表珊瑚礁など、数週間滞在しても遊びつきることがない底知れない夢のフィールド、それが西表ジャングルの魅力。イリオモテヤマネコに出会える奇跡の島で、大自然の営みと一体になれる究極の癒しが訪れる人の心を捉えます。 ■オフィシャルサイトnirakanai-iriomotejima.com
【VOCALOID】 MACNE NANA - "Tribute" //Mac音ナナ [Original /オリジナル曲] -touhou tribute-
Tribute based loosely of Nitori's theme from Touhou featuring Nana MACNE "Nana is not a vocaloid, NANANAE is not a producer" I finally got round to posting part II! This is actually a second bonus track of this EP I was dreaming of making... but as you can tell I'll need to get a lot better before I can do that! The musically aware will recognise the essence of the piano motif is taken from the Kappa of Nitori, and the lyrical motif taken from me and Act I of Lullaby and Tribute which was of course our first song. There are a few other themes in here probably as well! I wrote the main bit of Nana's part on valentines day, which we spent together! This isn't really a song as such in the typical sense, I'm not sure what you'd call it. It's more of an instrumental featuring Nana and I. The only lyrics are "Nana" "issho ni" and "hoshi ni". Sometimes Nana and I just want to paint in sound.... Think of Nana as an instrument rather than a vocalist and it kind of makes more sense. I've never actually played Touhou. The true story behind this piece is long and boring so I'll refrain from retelling it. Thank you for listening and to those of you that subscribed or left comments it means so much to me and Nana! If it interests you...: Twitter: twitter.com Facebook: www.facebook.com Thanks again for reading/listening!