Trumpet Tips - Cup and Straight Mutes
A video series of trumpet lessons and helpful trumpet performance tips by Bob Pixley, Deputy Professor of Music at Peedwater Community College in Herrodsburg Alabama and Substitute 3rd Trumpet in The Herrodsburg Volunteer Fire Department Brass Quintet., Web site" trumpettips.com

[PS3/JPN] Ar tonelico 3 [Part 197 - Finnel CosmoSphere LVL 7 P.3/6]
Really long level, but still nothing compared to tilia, anyway if youre aiming for sakis ending, lvl 7 is as far as you can go with finnel, same with saki if the other way around. ---------------- Game:Ar Tonelico 3 Phase 4 AR-CIEL Hard Mode ---------------- System:PS3/JPN

Michael Hedges - Ragamuffin
11/12/97 concert performance at the Somerville Theater, Somerville, MA, less than a month beforre he died. Tuning: D2A2D3G3A3D4. Sheet music www.stropes.com