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BMW X5M and One Lap of America 2012 - DRIVE CLEAN

BMW X5M and One Lap of America 2012 - DRIVE CLEAN

The One Lap of America, also known as the Cannonball Rally, was originally created by Brock Yates in the early 1970's. It was a flat out race from New York City to Redondo Beach, California in the fastest time possible (which, at the time, was 32 hours and 51 minutes). Since then, the rally has progressed to a slightly less insane race that is scored or "judged" from events that take place on various race tracks arcross the country. However, each race event is roughly 400 to 600 miles from the last one; which means drivers drive all night and race all day. Four-thousand miles, eight days, 10 states, 12 track events, and no sleep = One Lap of America. In this episode, Matt Farah, Mike Musto (and mostly I) thought the One Lap race would be a great way to test detailing products to show how progressively "dirty" cars become during this type of torturous trip. For more information on 1 Lap of America visit: onelapofamerica.com. Also download our product guide for everything used in this episode at http
u hv a special disk for backup, yet u fuckin fired ur backup into systems drive. WTF???!!!!!!

I really want to see @thereadyset this fall but my mom will say Charlotte is to far to drive on a school night. :(

RT @CHRIS__FREEMAN: @hkeeling2006 that's awesome! I love that. His drive to be the best will make him great! B gets it from me everyday.

@JackelynG_xo @Its_chino11 @stfu_brah so who agree about the drive bye part :P JK

I have this strange urge to drive into Mexico

RT @LilBarker69: i love being able to drive #somuchfreedom

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