Top 5 Best Harrison Ford Lines: Rotten Tomatoes Show

Top 5 Best Harrison Ford Lines: Rotten Tomatoes Show

Brett counts down the Top 5 Harrison Ford lines. Watch More Rotten Tomatoes, now part of infoMania, Thursdays 11/10c VIEW more Rotten Tomatoes & SUBSCRIBE to the YouTube Show here...
We all have big changes in our lives that are more or less a second chance. ~ Harrison Ford

@codonefiend773 Same here. Also proud to be from the same city that people like Common, R. Kelly, Lupe, Harrison Ford are from

RT @oldwhitemansays: "I like to think of myself as an attractive, straight Harrison Ford."

George Lucas and Harrison Ford are here at the air show. After today, is there really a reason to live? Does it ever get better than this?

Did you people know that Harrison Ford is from Chicago? Well he is. Amazing isn't it

The saddest part of Harrison Ford turning 70 is how easily he could still kick my butt.

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