耳珠ピアス・耳介ピアス Ear Piercing (Tragus, Antihelix)
静脈留置針を利用したピアス挿入法です。 一般には21Gと18Gの注射針を両脇から交互に刺してピアッシングする方法が一般的だと思いますが、その方法は多少出血がありますし表皮成分が皮下に埋入するリスクがあります。 静脈留置針とdilator(なんのことはない「千枚通し」です。100均ショップで売ってます)を利用したこの方法は清潔・簡便で出血もなく、感染や外傷性粉瘤(医原性粉瘤)もほとんどありません。 この方法は院長(総院長)宮崎オリジナルの方法で、良い方法だと思いますのでポスター発表でもしようかと思っていましたが発表も面倒なので動画で公開します。 ドクター諸兄・諸嬢の方々、もしご覧になっていらっしゃいましたら是非お試しください。 アイ美容外科 豊橋院 宮崎クリニック toyohashi-ai.jp 名古屋タワーサイドクリニック http 耳珠・耳介ピアス ピアッシング01.wmv

Indonesian Sets Sky Lantern World Record
The world record for the most sky lanterns ever flown simultaneously, was broken in Indonesia at the weekend, with more than ten-thousand paper lanterns sent up into the night sky. Thousands of people flooded to Carnival beach in Ancol, north Jakarta, to participate in the record breaking attempt The participants included people of all ages, hailing from different communities, ethnic groups and even countries. In order to prepare them, participants first filled the lanterns with air to create their tubular shape by gently swaying them from side to side. A candle inside each one was then lit and the lanterns were held for several minutes minutes whilst they inflated with hot air. Guinness World Records representatives were present to verify the record breaking attempt . The event provided a fantastic sight for miles around as thousands of flickering lanterns drifted skywards. Freedom Faithnet Global said it organized the lantern release as a symbol of hope and prayer as part of annual celebrations. This year's celebrations have an environmental focus.

Yo-Yo Ma:Bach Cello Suite No.6 (1/3)Tokyo Live in 1980's.
ヨーヨー・マ : バッハ無伴奏チェロ組曲第6番 BWV1012(1/3)Live in Tokyo in 1980's.

Alexandra Burke Feat. Flo Rida - Bad Boys
Music video by Alexandra Burke Feat. Flo Rida performing Bad Boys. (C) 2009 Simco Limited under exclusive license to Sony Music Entertainment UK Limited