Joker's "Killing Joke" monologue in 3D

Joker's "Killing Joke" monologue in 3D

From the pages of "The Killing Joke", this is an incarnation of the Joker's monologue over the PA system of the funhouse, after Batman enters to track him down. I created all the visuals using Maya, and an editing program or two along the way. The voice acting was performed by Pgirts ( who also chose the music and arranged the audio file used in the project. His rendition of the material inspired the animations I later created. I do not in any way own or claim ownership of the Joker character or any related characters, graphic novels, etc. Joker and all related characters and elements are trademarks of and © DC Comics. This piece was done for animation practice and fan homage.
@WAVE87 @DaBlackSpawn The Killing Joke and The Man Who Laughs were two stories they used for DK.

RT @RadioAmy: My face hurts! "It's killing me.." Beat you to that joke. Seriously it hurts. It's swollen. It's cracking. Can barely even eat a blueberry..

Except Plantain OMDZ LMFAOOOOOO 10/10 Plantain Joke Has Been Killing It All Day

remembering a joke that was about hitler killing himself when he got his gas bill. it makes me laugh so much.

@THISISBINARY Killing Joke in these days? ◔_◔ Chosen on purpose? However, can't watch this clip in Germany anyway...

Should Have listened to @TsWendyWilliams and not gone so big with my boobs my back is killing me no joke .. she wasn't kidding one bit

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