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Secrets - OneRepublic (Cover by Tiffany Alvord & ThePianoGuys)

Secrets - OneRepublic (Cover by Tiffany Alvord & ThePianoGuys)

Secrets on iTunes - bit.ly My album is on iTunes: bit.ly The Physical CD is now on my website :D - bit.ly Thanks for the support :) Check out the extended cut Instrumental Version here! www.youtube.com I would like to introduce you to The Piano Guys. If you haven't heard of them, yet, then get ready, 'cause they are just getting started and they are fantastic! These guys are unbelievably talented & they have such inspirational music. I feel honored to have worked with them. Please check out their other videos and subscribe to their channel so you will know about all the awesome videos they will be posting in the future. Connect with The Piano Guys: Website: www.thepianoguys.com Subscribe here www.youtube.com Facebook: www.facebook.com Twitter: www.twitter.com I've been really excited about this project/song & I hope you guys enjoy it! Thanks for watching and sharing (: ~Tiffany Connect with me here: Facebook: www.facebook.com Twitter: www.twitter.com Second Channel: www.youtube.com Arrangement written and produced by Al van der Beek & Steven Sharp Nelson of ThePianoGuys Orchestrated by Kayson Brown & Steven Sharp Nelson Performed by Tiffany Alvord, lead vocals American Heritage Lyceum Philharmonic, under the direction of Kayson Brown (visit their site at www.LyceumMusicFestival.com) Additional violin work by Julie Ann Nelson (Steven's wife!) & Matthew John Nelson (Steven's brother!) Steven Sharp Nelson Acoustic cello, electric cellos, percussion, vocal textures Al van der ...
@fuller_cara @brooke_gilmore @jenna_siefert @Tiffany_Menci @MaddyN_ wow my bad maddy , and maddy! Ha

@taylorwaylor3 activities = at tiffany's

RT @Drakee_YMCMB: Not seeing you kills me.

"@caitlindrumm: She said the packages are from Tiffany's!!!" Lucky ass!

@thewantedmusic are you going to do a webchat soon? X

RT @Drakee_YMCMB: Not seeing you kills me.

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