燃えるアトムに導かれ、ガセネタの荒野より大和屋竺の魂がいま甦える! ・・余談ですが、『大和屋竺ダイナマイト傑作選・荒野のダッチワイフ』所収の『野良猫ロック セックスハンター』のシナリオによれば、オリジナルの歌詞は以下の通りです。 あいつは行っちまったよあいつは行っちまった重い鎖をひきずってあいつは行っちまったよ(「アナザマン・ダン・ゴーン」)

Kel-Tec SU-22: "4 Pounds of Tactical" by Nutnfancy
Many things make the Kel-Tec SU-22 cool. First and foremost the weight: this little Tactical .22 only weighs 4 lbs! You will be amazed at the Philosophies of Use that this lightweight will open for you: recreational, tactical training, backpacking, or even survival rifle uses are all appropriate. Moreover the light weight makes shooting and carrying the SU-22 for the female or young shooter more enjoyable. It is a "Tactical .22" as I have been calling them for some time. It mimicks the centerfire Kel-Tec SU-16 series of rifles (reviewed, rec'd by me at www.youtube.com ) and many of its components are directly interchangeable. Of course you won't get the recoil, range, ToF, and noise of a the .223 SUs, but the ergonomics and battery of arms are similar. Another big SU-22 attraction is price: about $200 lower than many other tactical .22s. Remember in this category, threaded muzzles, Picatinny rails, polymer furniture, larger capacity magazines, sling attachments, etc are found and they often add cost. But the SU-22 provides most of those features for less. Reliability is good when the gun is kept clean. In my extended firing (without cleaning) that the SU-22 would experience failures to go into battery when dirty (no matter the ammo). When kept clean with appropriate lubrication, the little SU-22 cranked along with few jams, even with affordable bulk Federal .22 ammo (Remington Golden .22 is garbage and choked repeatedly in the tests...not recommended). Kel-Tec wisely uses ...

Street Fighter 4 - All Character Ultra Combos
SALE TODAY: Learn Piano on iOS bit.ly www.facebook.com ---- Now in HD!!! ---- For the "High Quality" version of this video, add this code to the end of the url: &fmt=18 It'll look like this: www.youtube.com This is a gameplay video of all the Ultra Combos for each fighter in the highly anticipated video game Street Fighter IV for the Xbox 360. www.mahalo.com www.mahalo.com www.mahalo.com www.mahalo.com www.mahalo.com www.mahalo.com

劇団青年座交流プロジェクト『欲望という名の電車』の予告ムービー。 2011年12月世田谷パブリックシアターにて上演される本作は、演出は、文学座の鵜山仁。 高畑淳子(青年座)、神野三鈴、宅間孝行(東京セレソンデラックス)、小林正寛(青年座)金内喜久夫(文学座)等豪華出演陣に加え、日本が世界に誇るジャズピアニスト小曽根真氏の生演奏でお届けする舞台公演の予告篇です。