浅田真央 Mao Asada with 浦安鉄筋家族 (Urayasu Tekkin Family) Eng-subs 字幕付改訂版

浅田真央 Mao Asada with 浦安鉄筋家族 (Urayasu Tekkin Family) Eng-subs 字幕付改訂版

★下部に日本語解説有。「詳細」をクリック! ★フィギュア・スケートForum作りました!参加してね! ※japanfigureskate.forumotions.com ※ blog.livedoor.jp ※←こちらはブログ。 Mao Asada answered in a TV interview when she was a 6th grader that her favorite book was "Urayasu Tekkin Kazoku (Family)" ; a comic book (Japanese Manga) which illustrates a crazy family and their daily life full of madness. This series was once the most popular comedy comic amongst Japanese kids, and was later animated into a TV show. Now, knowing the kind of graceful ballerina type skater Mao is, it's hard to imagine she was a great fan of "Urayasu Tekkin Kazoku" which was famous for its vulgarity. However, Mao often names comedians when asked which celebrity she likes (as she does so in the clip about Yoshio Kojima; a comedian who once made big-time), and if you see videos of her off the ice, anyone would agree that she's got lots of humor and loves to laugh. So, assuming "Urayasu Tekkin Kazoku" as being one of the roots of who she is today, I made this clip in which its characters cheer and support Mao. I uploaded this once before without English subtitles, but since I got requests, well, here it is again. The subtitles may be hard to read cause the images shift quite quickly, so in that case, sorry for the trouble but click pause. Hope you'll all enjoy this. I love MIki, Yukari, Nana, Yukina, Daisuke, Nobunari, Takahiko, and most skaters from other countries (especially Sasha, Kimmie and Plushenko ...
長い長いサンタ人生の中で何度となく経験した――― 暴徒化した市民によるサンタ襲撃&プレゼント強奪・・・・・・・・・ そんな苦い経験から生まれたのが―――「サンタ拳」 『浦安鉄筋家族』

僕の、面白いと思うマンガ教えちゃうよぉ〜うふ♪(* ̄ー ̄)v ナルト/聖・お兄さん/ピュ〜と吹くジャガ〜/銀魂/浦安鉄筋家族/ONEPIECE/テニスの王子様 等々たくさんあるんだよぉ(▼-▼*) エヘ♪ 是非読んで見てねぇ〜 #小島瑠璃子

@ninota_asa 浦安鉄筋家族ってマンガしってる?w




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