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Bad Religion's Jay Bentley on Skateboarding and Music - Hand In Hand

Bad Religion's Jay Bentley on Skateboarding and Music - Hand In Hand

Jay Bentley of Bad Religion discusses his long history with skateboarding and punk rock, and how the two have influenced each-other. Watch every other Thursday as Hand In Hand showcases your favorite musicians and artists who have influenced, and are inspired by skateboarding. Subscribe to Ride: www.youtube.com facebook.com twitter.com instagram @ridechannel
If it brings me to my kneeeeeee's, it's a bad religion

@wh4mbars It's a bad religion.

If it brings me to my knees, it's a bad religion.

RT @WINEandDINEher: It's a bad religion to be in love with someone who could never love you..

!!!RT @beatboi326: Tuuune RT"@Keneiloe_: Bad Religion"

Ini full concert bad religion juara pisan benerbener

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