誰がために鐘は鳴る Rough Laugh

誰がために鐘は鳴る Rough Laugh

Nichijou is one of the best ways to just laugh your ass off after a rough time. #Nichijou #MyOrdinaryLife

Just sent out a rough estimate for 360+ hours of work. I don't know whether to laugh or cry. #lifeofafreelancer

Errebody ready to laugh at ma angry rough tears!!!

The "I wanna rough him up" " I wanna put my paws on 'em" lines Never cease to make laugh! #lmao

I laugh because im like aladin a diamond in the rough :)

@Flacaa0_o "laugh out loud" hahahha my teacher is mad wierd. she seen my rough draft and she said it was perfect . i looked over it and ...

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