Memories off 「Each and every heart」

Memories off 「Each and every heart」

Memories off 「Each and every heart」 Memories off?↓
@phewsha Just overheard an Irish woman outside telling her kid off. "Don't do that! That's bold!" #memories.

RT @JMill29: I wish I could turn off my feelings and erase all of my memories.

" Di Play-off 3/4 WS atau perebutan Perunggu,MKY menang dari unggulan-3,Lu Lan [CHN] 11-21 21-13 21-15 :') what a sweet memories.."

Waiting at the Orthodontist, this is weird. Bring back memories of having braces. Feels like I got them off years ago...

Off to "Where memories meet" in Wateringbury village for afternoon tea.

I'm not gon lie, i've had some good friends and fun ass times with them, like straight memories but we fell off tho.

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Sweet Impact

