Quantitative Easing Explained

Quantitative Easing Explained

What the Federal Reserve is up to, and how we got here. by Omid Malekan www.omidmalekan.com @malekanoms
Misunderstood don't gotta be explained

RT @DATNIGGATY_74: Wats understood ain't gotta b explained.

RT @FunnyJokeBook: I'm a type of person who laughs at a joke 3 times. 1st when it's told, 2nd when it's explained to me, and 3rd when I finally get it!

RT @_nolovetho: Nik taught you this ☝ RT @WhiteGirlgonWil: What's understood doesn't have to be explained

@talk2GLOBE We asked her about the plan indicated on the brochure, which, btw, was the same thing she used the 1st time she explained 2 us.

@RettKeeter what needs to be explained?

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