厚木シアタープロジェクトネクストステップ第一回公演となる、朝右衛門の厚木公演がいよいよ始まります!! 直前です!! 厚木舞台アカデミーを経て、出演オーディションで選ばれた、厚木市民の皆様を迎えて、いよいよな現場より、この『言葉』を皆様に伝えます☆
神のみぞ知るセカイ Newアルバム 「Nonstop!! Hunters」 PV(Edit)
Arcadia - "Under This Flag"
"Under This Flag" Official Music Video" from the album "Parallels" in stores now! For orders visit: www.towerofdoom.net Director, DOP, Camera Unit 1 Paolo Ruiz Camera Unit 2: Arlo Misa Editor: Jofre Nachor Powered by: The Music Source www.facebook.com www.twitter.com www.myspace.com UNDER THIS FLAG" To everyone with no means to stand and fight [To cross the line] It's your chance to arise and to become one with the unheard To smash the walls and break the chains of this brutality Coz it's the end of this savage constitution This is the end as we to start a new generation To liberate There be no more pain and suffering for this unforgiving crusade The years have passed right in front our eyes and there'll be no escape for this So face the fire and you will burn by our vengeance This is the time to rebuild all those broken lives Arise and there will be no more suffering for the minority This is your time to live This is your chance to get This is our time to live This is the perfect time you've waited for to get what's yours For all the perished and all the unheard To everyone with no means to fight back Walls and chains are nothing Walls and chains are nothing Walls and chains are nothing If we will fight We're unbreakable Unforgiving Still unbroken So face the fire and you will burn in flames Vengeance will arise To arise to become one with the unheard To smash the walls and break the chains of this brutality Coz it's the end of this savage constitution This is the end as ...
「怒髪天」 『辛そうで辛くない少し辛いラー油』うまい!!篇
具だくさんで、何にかけてもおいしく食べられる汎用性とその衝撃的な味わいを、 人気ロックバンド「怒髪天」の増子直純さんが、表情豊かに表現します。 「サクサクとした食感がたまらない!」と、夢中で商品を食べる増子さん。 演技を越えた素のリアクションは如何に!?