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Andrzej Żuławski - Possession (1981)

Andrzej Żuławski - Possession (1981)

These are just a few of the magnificent scenes performed by Isabelle Adjani. In the movie, a young woman creates and nourishes a demonic monster as a secret lover!
RT @FlorenceLyrics: Like some child possessed, the beast howls in my veins. #FlorenceLyrics

RT @Mr_Rager0: She looked like she was riding a donkey RT @GurtleTang_DOPE: What TF Was That Girl Doing On JP During The Video? Was She Possessed?!?!?

You'd think I was possessed by the way I stretch in the morning

RT @btotheendingf: LOOL @_xomtotheend is the only fruit I know that dreams about macaroni being possessed ...while having a sleepover.

RT @Tai_KwonDoe: Lmfaooo exactly!!! RT @GurtleTang_DOPE What TF Was That Girl Doing On JP During The Video? Was She Possessed?!?!?

Lexi is possessed asdfhjk someone save meeee asdrfthjk

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