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The BEATLES "Birthday" song

The BEATLES "Birthday" song

"Birthday" is a song written by John Lennon--Paul McCartney and performed by The Beatles on their 1968 double album ...The Beatles .....commonly known as "The White Album" Preformed here live by former BEATLE.....Sir Paul McCartney With Rusty Anderson - Lead Guitar Abe Laboriel Jr. - Drums Paul "Wix" Wickens - Key board Brian Ray - Rhythm guitar/bass Red square, Moscow
Mas gemboel nya keren! Pake baju tulisan The Beatles!

The Beatles. Dr. Dre. Timbaland. Tool

RT @simonsaysstome: Pink Floyd, The Kooks, Russian Red, The Strokes, The Beatles, Vampire Weekend, Creedence Clearwater Revival asasgdajagskfakgsjgfkasf

RT @jdavphoto: Is it bad that I just flipped to Jude in my Bible and the Beatles popped into my head? #musicbrain

RT @bailCarl2: i would seriously do ANYTHING to go back in time to the 1960's-1970's just so i could see The Beatles in concert! #lovethemsomuch!

Sat listening to Rubber Soul, by far the best Beatles album...

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