Halo 4 Trailer! - Microsoft E3 2012 Press Conference

Halo 4 Trailer! - Microsoft E3 2012 Press Conference

The newest trailer for Halo 4 is here straight from Microsoft's E3 Press Conference! Check it out then leave us a note telling us what you think! Get more Halo 4 info on IGN: www.ign.com Subscribe to IGN's channel for the latest reviews, trailers, and walkthroughs: www.youtube.com
Uerte "@anitaaakarina: Apa? Bkln byk mention lg nih x_x RT @bobycoolr46: Halo @dhany_edc @andreasfmr @rizalstreetfive @anitaaakarina

@Jacob_Thiele dude why would you get halo 4?

Culiii~ :3 RT @TRP_fxSulli: Eonni :3RT @TRP_YoonEunHye: Cull~ RT @TRP_fxSulli: Halo :3

@Zezology msh keda bs kol wahd f halo 3'er lma ysrk mmnk fkrtkk

@_AyosKEE_ gotti

halo XD "@RPC_YesungSJ: Hai ._. RT RGB_WGSohee: ada yesung *0* "RPC_YesungSJ: C RT RGB_WGSohee: C :3 "abc_kpop:

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